Red Rose Veterans Honor Guard, Inc.

Honos Officio Fideli 

(Honor for Faithful Service)

The Red Rose Veterans Honor Guard, Inc. is a volunteer
organization comprised of honorably discharged and retired
veterans as well as active duty, Reserve and National Guard
members. It is a 501(c)(3) charitable non-profit organization
established in 1998 by concerned veterans and civilians.

The RRVHG provides, free of charge, Military Funeral Honors,
“Taps”, folding of the flag and presentation to the family. 

These honors are provided for deceased veterans who were residents of Lancaster County and will be buried or memorialized in or near Lancaster County.

Since it’s inception in 1998, the RRVHG has provided Military
Funeral Honors to more than 7,500 Lancaster County veterans.

Our History
Honors and Services
Contact Us

In 1998, the creation of the Red Rose Veterans Honor Guard was spurred by community and veterans’ concerns that all honorably discharged Lancaster County veterans were not receiving appropriate graveside military honors... (read more)

Our primary mission is providing military funeral honors.

In addition, we provide a Color Guard Team for non-political civic events and ceremonies... (read more)

Interested in joining our team, or inquiring about our services?  Contact us!


“On behalf of my family, I would like to express our deep appreciation for the flag folding ceremony performed by the Honor Guard in honor of my father.... As a proud Korean War Veteran, my father would have been deeply moved to have been honored in this way. Please accept our sincere thanks for your service to our country and to our father...."

“On behalf of our family, I want to express our appreciation to your organization and each person who participated in the military honors at the gravesite for our father....We were deeply touched by the beautiful ceremony and are grateful for you honoring our father in this way.”

“Dear Members of the Red Rose Veterans Honor Guard: Thank you so much for participating in the MCH (Marietta Community House) Veterans Day Ceremony. It was a very special day for us and we really appreciated your joining us. It added a significant meaning to the program. Many of our attendees were especially touched by the flag folding ceremony because they had never heard the meanings behind each fold.”

“....We had a memorial service for my father at the Hempfield Brethren in Christ Church in Lancaster, PA. The Red Rose Veterans Honor Guard participated at the end of the service with the customary flag folding, Taps, and
presentation of the flag to my stepmom. It was so beautiful and everyone in the church stood
when the flag was opened and then properly folded for presentation.... As (his) only
daughter, I just want to say thank you for providing this service to so many, and for providing it
to us last week. God bless all of those who are involved in this wonderful organization.”